dimarts, 18 de desembre del 2012

What do you know about Scotland?

Scotland is a part of UK that is in Great Britain. 
Its flag is blue with a white cross.

Its capital is Edinburgh the second city is Glasgow. Its famous instrument is the bagpipe.
The men wear skirts when they celebrate something.
In the middle ages was independent but then Became a part of the UK.

History of braveheart.
In 14th Century Scotland, William Wallace leads his people in a rebellion against the tyranny of the English King, who has given English nobility the 'Prima Nocta'.. a right to take all new brides for the first night. The Scots are none too pleased with the brutal English invaders, but they lack leadership to fight back. Wallace creates a legend of himself, with his courageous defence of his people and attacks on the English.
 Why is Catalonia and Scotland?

Both want get the independence

dilluns, 17 de desembre del 2012


The introductory monologue pretty much summarizes most of what happens in this movie.  People in L:A: move back and forth in their cars, without any kind of human contact.  They need to collide in order to make that necessary human contact everybody needs.
Crash mean a cars accident.

1. (2.51 – 5.54) Read the opening monologue.
Graham has just crashed.   
The car is now stopped.   
This is what he says:
It's the sense of touch. Any real city, you walk, you know?, you brush past people. 
People bump into you.
In L.A., nobody touches you.  We're always behind this metal and glass.
I think we miss that touch so much that we crash into each other just so that we can feel 

1.1.*Discuss the meaning of these words. 
The persons must have the touch with others persons.
 1.2.*How do you think the woman sitting right next to him (the driver) is going to respond to this?
Because there are too much people in LA this problem effect the touch of the people.
 1.3.The woman sitting next to Graham leaves the car and goes to where the police officer and the other driver are.  What kind of problem do you perceive in the conversation you hear?  
The principal problem is the racism.
Choose one and explain.
-       an age gap problem
-       a racial issue
-       tension due to unsolved problems these two women had before
 A kind of problem they have the different race when convince together. You can see this problem in the film with Anthony and Peter
1.4.Graham goes to where his colleagues are working. 

 What have they found? A shoe

How does Graham react to that?
He react very sad because is his brother shoe. Then, there's a flashback which explain the crime who did to his brother.

2. (35:01- 36:48) Check the problems these two men are having:

The locksmith doesn’t know how to do his job. False
The locksmith wants to overcharge for his job. True
The locksmith didn’t replace the lock for a new one. True
The store owner doesn’t understand English well enough. True
The locksmith cannot find a way to communicate effectively with the store owner. True
The locksmith has a friend who fixes doors; so, he wants to persuade the store owner to have his door fixed by this friend. False
The store owner has a door lock in his store that needs to be replaced. True
The store owner has a door in his store that needs to be replaced. True
he locksmith leaves without getting any pay. True
The store owner believes he’s been cheated. False

the film website

The locksmith doesn’t want to be insulted any more.
The locksmith leaves without getting any pay.
Write down the characters' names
and the different stories in the film.

Graham Waters and His partner Ria: They're investigating a crime scene.
Farhad a Persian owner and his daughter Dorri: They've a shop. Farhad buy a revolver. Farhad has a door broken and he call a locksmith. The locksmiths tell to him that he have to change the door. Farhad didn't change the door and they attack his shop.
Anthony and Peter: They're car jackers.
Daniel Ruiz: Is a locksmith and try to fix Farhad's locker.
John Ryan and Tom Hansom: They're policeman.
Rick Cabot and Jean: Anthony and Peter stole his car.

Several characters' stories interweave during two days in Los Angeles: a black  detective estranged from his mother; his criminal younger brother and gang associate; the White District Attorney and his irritated and pampered wife; a racist white police officer who disgusts his more idealistic younger partner; a Hollywood director and his wife who must deal with the officer; a Persian-immigrant father who is wary of others; and a Hispanic locksmith. The film differs from many other films about racism in its rather impartial approach to the issue. Rather than separating the characters into victims and offenders, victims of racism are often shown to be racist themselves in different contexts and situations. Also, racist remarks and actions are often shown to stem from ignorance and misconception rather than a malicious personality.


You'll have 1 of the stories.
Write a summary of the story.
Describe the characters in the story:
How do they look like?describe them using adjectives like: naïve, responsible, ambitious...
What's the relationship between them?mother-son, husband-wife...
How do they feel at the beginning?
How do they react in the story?
Do they change? Why? Why not?

Give your opinion.

Describe one character in the story.

dijous, 8 de novembre del 2012


Worksheet 2: Characters in the Film

Describe a picture

Picture A:

This picture shows Jess and Joe. They are hugging. Joe is very happy, but Jess is worried about something. Jess is wearing a pink dress and Joe is wearing a dark jacket. We see that they are in a football pitch, this pitch is very green. In the background, I can see the publicity of the team.

Picture D:

This picture shows Jess looking at the portrait of Beckham. She’s sitting in the floor. In the bedroom I can see a lot of photos and one T-shirt about Beckham. The walls of the bedroom are white and brown. The bedroom has one little window and a big bed.

Describe two characters
Jess: First she wanted to become like David Beckham. Every day she plays football with her friend in the park. But one day Jules offered her to play in feminine football team. But her parents didn’t want that his daughter play football. They want that Jess became a Hindu wife. Finally Jess and Jules went to play football in America

Jules: She plays in a feminine football team. One day she saw Jess. Jess was playing football in the park. Jules offer to Jess to play in feminine football team. Jules and Jess became friends. But one day Jules get angry with Jess because she kisses Joe his coach, Jules was falling in love with Joe. Finally Jess and Jules became friends. They went to America to play football.

Jessminder (Jess)

wants to be a professional footballer. Unfortunately, her parents have more traditional ideas about her future.
adjectives: stubborn, competitive, talented, desobedient and she achived her goals.

David Beckham

Is an international football star.
adjectives: Handsome, chatty, optimistic, sensitive and sensible.


also wants to be a professional footballer. She plays for women's football team, the Hunslow Harriers.

Jess' parents

Mr and Mrs Bhamra immigrated to Britain before their children were born. They want their daughters to be proper Indian girls. 

Jules' father 

Alan supports his daughter's football career. He practices with her and goes to watch her matches. Her mother, Paula, doesn't like it. She wants her daughter to be more feminine.


 is Jess' older sister. She is busy planning her wedding to her boyfriend, Teetu.


 is the coach of the Hounslow Harriers. He used to play football but a knee injury forced him to stop playing.


is Jess' best friend. He plays football with her in the park. Tony has a secret.


Exercise A: This section starts with Pinky's wedding being cancelled, because her future in - laws think that Jess was kissing a white man at the bus-stop. Her parents then forbid her from playing football. Put the following events in order.

1.-Jess gets into a fight with another football player.

2.-Jess' father sees Joe and Jess hugging. 
3.-Joe and Jess almost kiss. Jules sees this and becomes jealous.
4.-The Hounslow Harriers go to Germany.
5.-The Bhamras find out Jess went to Germany, and try to make her quit the team.
6.-The wedding is back on again.
7.-Tony tells Jess that he is gay.
8.-Joe goes to the Bhamra's house to try to persuade them to allow Jess to play football.



Exercise B:Rewrite these paragraphs so they are true. There are three mistakes in each paragraph. 

1.-Pinky blames her parents because her wedding is cancelled. She tells her parents that Jess has stopped playing football . They are very angry and tell her she can't continue to play.

-Pinky blames Jess because her wedding is cancelled. She tells her parents that Jess hasn't stopped playing football. They are very angry and tell her she can't continue to play.

2.-Jules doesn't like Joe. In Germany, Joe and Jess fight. Jules sees this and is upset and jealous. Jules visits Jess' house and they have an argument. 

-Jules likes Joe. In Germany, Joe and Jess nearly kissed. Jules sees this and is upset and jealous. Jess' visits Jules house and they have an argument. 

3.-Pinky is very happy that her wedding is cancelled. She persuades Teetu, her boyfriend, to talk to his friends. Teetu's parents and the Bhamras arrange for the wedding to continue. Unfortunately, the wedding date is the same day as Jess' university exams.

-Pinky is upset that her wedding is cancelled. She persuades Teetu, her boyfriend, to talk his parents. Teetu's parents and the Bhamras arrange for the wedding to continue. Unfortunately, the wedding date is the same day as Jess' final match.

Exercice C: Joe says that is the she's life not the live of her parents.


Exercice A: Answer the questions.

1.- Why does jess' mother pray to the picture of Babaji? 
-Because she doesn't want Jess to play football.

2.-How does Jess feel at the start of her sister's wedding? 
-Very sad

3.-Why does Joe go to Jess' house during the wedding?
-Because he wants that Jess play the football match.

4.-Why does Mr Bhamra allow Jess to go to the football match?
-Because she was really sad.

5.-What does the American offer Jules and Jess?
-To play in a football team.
6.-What job does Joe take in the end?
-He trains the femenine girls team.
Exercice B: What happens to these people at the end of the movie?

1.-Jess and Jules
-They went to Sta Clara to play football.

2.-Jules' mother
-She accepts her daughter to play football

3.-Jess and Joe
-They start a relationship

4.-Pinky an her mother-in-law
-They get very well.

5.-Joe and Mr Bhambra
-Become friends while Jess  go to USA.

Exercice C: At the end of the wedding celebration, Jess is sitting in the car with her sister when her sister says "Don't you want all of this?" (a wedding, a husband, etc.). What does Jess mean when she says "I want more than this?"
- Because she wants to be a football player.

Worksheet 3: While You Watch

2.1: The Hounslow Harries

ExerciseA: Put These events in the correct order.

1- Pinky has her engagement party.
2- Jules sees Jess playing football in the park, and asks her to join the Hounslow Harriers.
3- Jess' mother sees her wearing shorts and playing Football with Tony's friends, and tells her she's not allowed to play football.
4- Jess lies to her parents that she has a prart-time job, so she can go out and play football.
5- Jess and Jules go shopping for football shoes.
6- Pinky's boyfriend' relatives see Jess and Jules laughing and hugging, and think she is kissing a man.

Exercise B: who said what? Match the statement with the person who said it.

1. I was married at your age. Jess' mother
2. If she's more interested in playing football than chasing boys, well quite frankly I'm over the moon about that. Jules' father
3. your mother's right. It's not nice. You must start behaving like a proper woman. Jess father.
4. No boy's going to want to go out with a girl who's got bigger muscles than him. Jules' mother.

Exercise C: Think about the expectations that Jess' and Jules' families have of them. Make lists of the things that their families and society espect girls to do. Make one list for both girls, and another list for Jess.

Both Jess and Jules

-Femenins girls.
-Have a boyfriends.
-Don't have bigger muscles.
-Espected to get married.
-Are not espected to play sports.
-Enjoy shopping: to look nice, to find a boy friend.


-Is also expected to get maried to an Indian man.
-Have to cook well Indian food.

dimarts, 16 d’octubre del 2012

THE PLOT (activity 1)

Kate and Charlie are a couple from Canada who decided to buy a house and get married. Charlie goes to Paris and called Kate to tell her that he's in love with Juliette. Kate had fear to fly but finally she flew to Paris. In the plane she met a French thief called Luc. He hide necklace and a vine plant in her bag. She went to Charlie's hotel to talk to a him but she saw Charlie with Juliette, and Kate fainted. The man next to her stole her bag. When she woke up. She met Luc again and they went to catch Bob (the man who stole her bag). They found the bag but they didn't find the clothes and the passaport. Then Kate and Luc catch the train to get to Luc's town and they had lunch with his family. Luc tried to find the necklace but he didn't find it because Kate was wearing it. Later they caught the train to Tunis. Kate wanted to reconcile with Charlie. Kate and Luc had a plan. The next morning they went to the beach and the plan succeeded. At night Kate met Charlie for a dinner and Luc met Juliette. The relation with Charlie didn't work. Then Kate returned the stolen necklace to the police who returned her passaport and her money. After that Kate gave the money to Luc. At the end Luc and Kate fell in love and they lived happily together.


CHARACTERS (activity 2)

Kate fears flight, sensitive woman, she is lactose intolerant, she is insuring of herself.


She's in love to Charlie but Charlie meets a new girl called Juliette. She goes to French and she meets Luc.


Juliette’s from French. She's a beautiful woman. She has got long brown hair and she's tall. She's a romantic girl, she's fashionable.


She's in love to Charlie but she made love with Luc.


Luc is from France. He's an alcoholic and a smoker person. He has got an incredible moustache and he's tall. He is a thief. He talks with her because he has got an economic interest.


Luc in the end fell in love with Kate and goes to Canada.


Charlie is from Canada. He is tall and he had short black hair and brown eyes. He was selfish and he isn't honest.


Charlie first of all is in love with Kate but after fall in love with Juliette.





Kate is shorter than Juliette.
Juliette is more beautiful than Kate.
Juliette is more fashionable than Kate.

Kate is older than Juliette.


Luc is a French man and Charlie is Canadian.
Charlie is shorter than Luc.

Charlie at the end wears more modern clothes.

Luc is a thief and Charlie isn’t it.
JULIETTE (activity 3)

Hi I'm Juliette. I'm from France. One day I met a Canadian man called Charlie. I fall in love with him. We planned to marry. But one day, His girlfriend called Kate tried to prevent the wedding. Because she likes Charlie and she wants to marry him. But finally Kate returns to the Luc's town. Luc's a french man, finally I live with Charlie in France.